Carat weight is the measure of how much a diamond weighs and plays a crucial role in its value and appearance.
What Is Carat Weight?
The term “carat” comes from the ancient use of carob seeds as counterweights in balancing scales. One carat equals 200 milligrams, and diamonds can be divided into points, where 100 points equal one carat. For example, a 0.5-carat diamond is also known as a 50-point diamond.
The Carat Weight and Size Relationship
While carat refers to weight, it’s often mistaken for size. Two diamonds of the same carat weight may appear different in size due to differences in their cut proportions. A well-cut diamond can look larger than a poorly cut diamond of the same weight because of how it reflects light.
What to Look for in Carat Weight
When choosing a carat weight, consider the wearer’s preferences, budget, and ring setting. Larger diamonds are rarer and often more expensive per carat, but a diamond that maximizes sparkle can sometimes appear bigger than a higher carat weight diamond with an inferior cut.
Buying Tips for Carat Weight
- Choose carat by size preference: Decide if the carat size fits your expectations and the setting.
- Stay just under popular weights: Diamonds that weigh just below full-carat marks (e.g., 0.9 instead of 1.0) often cost significantly less but look nearly identical in size.
- Balance carat with cut: A smaller carat with an excellent cut can outshine a larger diamond with a poor cut.